Thursday, June 17, 2010

New Design

I have realised now, after doing more research into my journals, that my office currently doesn't represent them very well. So - I can either continue changing the office I currently have, or I can start again with the new knowledge and ideas I have got from reading into my journals more. I think I will go with the latter option, it does mean I will have to start fresh, but I think that as I researched more I will have a greater sense of what I want my office to look and feel like.

The ideas I am considering pursuing:
  • Merging the old with the new - i.e. have old stone (maybe ruins?) buildings with new glass facades. This could be difficult to pull off successfully - but not impossible ;) - Could also incorporate videos/film as the 'modern' aspect.
  • How people interact with the manmade building and the already existing natural environment - i.e. water and land
  • Restoring vs. Weathering. i.e. conservation (preserving) vs. what will the building look like in 50-100 years time. I reckon this could be really effective, i.e. to design something which has the sense that it has already aged - of course the design would be what I personally predict would happen (i.e. weathering, like everything to do with nature is unpredictable), so probably wouldn't be what actually happens in real life - but I would try my best :D

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